
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Happy New Year!!! I cannot believe it is already 2022. God has blessed me in so many ways this last year. 2021 is the year I rededicated my life to God. The year I graduated High School. The year I became an official adult and turned 18; still doesn’t feel like I’m an adult though 🙂 It is the year that I signed up for the World Race and the year that I started the crazy 9 month adventure of going on the World Race! It is the year I learned who I am in God and its the year I learned what it means to be truly bold. It is also the year that I stepped into a covenant (unbreakable bond) with God. 

As many of you know a month ago on December 4th I got my very first tattoo or should I say my first two tattoos!!! They are both on my wrist; the first one is a cross on the back of my wrist and the second is the words be bold on the front of my wrist. I got the cross first because I wanted my first tattoo to be one that symbolized who I am and what my purpose was for getting tattoos in the first place. This tattoo to me has the same purpose as a ring would in a marriage. When you marry someone you put on a ring that symbolizes the covenant you made to that person to love them and walk along side them for the rest of your life. In that same way I got the cross to symbolize my covenant with God. I chose a cross because it will be a constant reminder of what God did for me when he sent Jesus into this world to live for God and die for me. And that is what I want to do. My dad constantly reminds me that I need to take up my cross daily just like Jesus and live out my days for God because he is worthy. So this cross will remind me to live like Jesus and will remind me of the choice I made to follow God all the days of my life no matter what and that I am now his bride who is invited to the wedding feast with him in heaven for eternity. So that is my Covenant that I have permanently reminded myself of with something that I cannot remove from my body 🙂

My second tattoo is the words be bold in my teams handwriting. The reason for this tattoo is to remind me of what God has called me to be. A couple years ago there was a mission trip to the Philippines that was planned at my church. It was going to be the very first church wide trip to the Philippines and I was ready and signed up to go. And I remember one of the very first team meetings my Uncle, who is the pastor at my church and the person who would be leading this mission trip, was talking through the prayer list we have for every missions trip that my church sends. As he was talking through it he asked us all to write the word bold at the top of the page. Then he explained that bold was the word of this trip, that with everything we did leading up to, while on this trip, and after this trip should be done in boldness. That stuck out to me in a way I didn’t understand. Then that trip was cancelled because it was scheduled for April of 2020 and as you all know by that point in that year everything was cancelled because of covid. 

After that I left the word behind because I had the mindset that it was only for that trip. But in the year and a half from then until I started the world race the word bold kept coming up. My dad would remind me to be bold in telling a friend about Jesus or someone would talk about it in youth group or on a Sunday morning service. And I still didn’t understand why I could not get that word out of my mind. Then came the world race. I was scared out of my mind to leave my family for 9 months to go travel with 40 people I had only met once before and barely knew. Before I left the word bold was everywhere. People were telling me I was bold for doing this or that I should be bold as I walked into this new season. Then I got to the race and after a few weeks God revealed to me the seed he had been planting and growing in me for the last two years. Boldness. During our morning devotions time on October 8th I was looking for a verse to process through and see what God was telling me about and I came across the verse Deuteronomy 31:6 which says “be strong and courageous, don’t be terrified or afraid of them. For the Lord your God is the one who will go with you; he will not leave you or abandon you.” And God showed me why the word bold was so important to me. 

I often saw myself as someone who hid in the shadows, someone who people looked over because I was quiet and shy. But God was showing me what it means to be bold and humble and quiet and loud and all these things because I am not just a shy person who has no power or words. I am someone who doesn’t say much but when I do say something it is specifically thought out and important to me. I am someone who is willing to do the hard thing because it is what is asked of me. I am the person who listened to this crazy calling God has placed on my life and now I am traveling around the word proclaiming Gods unfailing love to every person I meet. These are all things that show boldness. Boldness doesn’t mean being loud it means following what God has asked no matter what because you know he has a perfect and unfailing plan. 

So now that you heard my little tangent 🙂 I would like to share why I had each member of my team write a letter. So it actually worked out perfectly, there are 6 girls including me on my team and the words be bold have 6 letters. And the reason is God taught me what it means to be bold on the race through each of these amazing women of God I get to do life with for a season. I learned what it means to be bold from my team leader Hannah who was only with us for three months but who taught me what it means to lead in humility and bring peace like Jesus did. And I learned what it means to be bold from my raised up team leader Abisha who is bold in who she is, she isn’t afraid to be her creative, vibrant, and true self. I learned boldness from Evelyn who says exactly what she means without fear because she knows her worth and knows that being direct is a beautiful way to express yourself. I learned boldness from Kayli who walks in grace and wisdom everyday and helps me to see the beauty of living life. I learned boldness from Kaili (yes there are two girls named Kayli/Kaili on my team) who is tough and gentle and the most loving person I have ever met. And I learned boldness from myself who has learned to walk in boldness and step out of her shell because I was made to be me and there is no reason to hide any part of me because it is all perfectly beautiful in Gods eyes. 

Love you all and I am praying for your 2022 to be filled with love and light and all the blessings that God has for you <3 

6 responses to “Tattoos, Boldness, and a Covenant”

  1. Yes Cassie! This is so awesome! I love what God is doing in you through this amazing trip! So excited for all that is still ahead of you!
    Love you!

    WOW. That moved my heart. It’s clear that Jesus peeling off layers that you were hiding behind. It grows my faith and encourages me to have a seat and be able to watch the Lord reveal more and more of the you He created you to be.

  3. Wow oh Wow! You are becoming the women of God you were called to be. God is faithful and He knows your very heart of hearts. BE BOLD. That is beautiful. Love you so much.

  4. You’re such a great writer, Cassie! You are bold not by the standards of the world, but because of Christ’s strength in and through you! I think boldness comes with being strong and courageous, fully knowing and believing that the Lord your God goes with you wherever you go.

  5. This is amazingly worded. I can also see how you continuously grow in more boldness everyday.
    In that I encourage to continue to grow in more BOLDNESS everyday after this, never being satisfied with where you think you are with Christ, because there is always more for us to step into!
    Love you big