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Hi, my name is Cassandra Lashaway but I prefer to be called Cassie. I am currently 17 years old and I live in Meridian Idaho with my parents and two sisters. 

I love to read books, ride bikes, go paddle boarding and listen to music. My favorite food will forever be Mac and cheese and chicken nuggets. I love taking pictures of nature, people and just about everything in between. But missions are my real passion. I went on my first mission trip when I was 12 and I was hooked. I realized then that missions would always be apart of my life and over this last year I realized that missions would be my main focus in life. When I heard about the World Race I researched everything I could about Gap Year and the possible routes I could take. When I read about the Development Route now known as Gap I, I knew that I was supposed to go on this trip. I am so excited to go on this trip and try new things all over the world.