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Over the last three weeks at training camp I have learned so many things but the main take away that God has been teaching me is how to trust him. Trusting in God is no easy thing, he will stretch you in so many ways teaching you what trusting in him really means. It isn’t I trust you to take me where I want to go and that’s it. Trusting in God means complete abandon of yourself to God. It doesn’t always mean raising 15,800 dollars to go on a nine month mission trip and sleeping in a tent but it does mean that when he calls you to do something you do it out of trust knowing that he already has everything planned out and knows exactly what you will go through. If that is going on a mission trip, quitting your job, or even just talking to that stranger in the check out line at Walmart; it is Gods plan and he wants us to trust him to live out his plan for us. 

Over the last three weeks and even the last three months my trust in God has been stretched in so many ways. Leaving my family is probably the biggest way I had to learn to trust him. Living without them has probably been the hardest part so far. But in learning to trust God I have found peace in living here with 40 people I didn’t know until a few weeks ago. He has provided what I need and people who understand my need for me time and also people who push me and are teaching me how to push through not having all the me time I want.

I am learning to trust him more and more everyday. It isn’t an automatic thing of ”oh I trust God now” it is a daily choice to trust in his plan. To tell you the truth there are some days I don’t choose to trust him and those days don’t often turn out well because I don’t have the right mindset of God has got me I have nothing to worry about. But on the days that I do trust him I know that no matter what happens on those days that God has a plan and I will be following it even if it isn’t the lunch I had hoped for or my tent floods and all my clothes are soaked. 

Trust is abandonment. Abandonment of your wants for what God wants, abandonment of comfort so you can go serve those around you and be and example of God. 

4 responses to “Trust”

  1. Thanks for being an example of what it looks like to walk in deeper trust, Cassie. God keeps teaching me this over and over and over again!

  2. Yes! . “It isn’t I trust you to take me where I want to go and that’s it.” I loved this point you made….and that it’s a daily thing. Abandoning myself to serve others in the context of committed relationships and the always faithful love of God who abandoned everything out of love for me. I’m sorry it’s probably lonely while all your relationships there are still new. Love you.

  3. So solid. So foundational.

    Abandonment of my plan in exchange for being available and willing to live in trust and submission to God’s plan is still something I need to choose. It does get to be more of a normal, but I don’t think it’s ever fully automatic until we are with Him in eternity.
    Encouraging to read your blog!